RR Mechatronics uit Zwaag weer naar de beurs

“RR Mechatronics on the Corantijn in Zwaag is writing another bond issue on Friday to raise money. This time it is one and a half million euros. People who subscribe can count on an interest of eight percent.

In 2018, RR Mechatronics issued a similar subordinated bond for five years at eight percent via the NPEX stock exchange. At the time, it involved 3.5 million euros. It turned out to be the most successful loan ever issued by NPEX. The run on our bonds was enormous”, says director Jan Buis of RR Mechatronics. The loan was full well within the set deadline and we had to disappoint new investors. At that time we already stated that we would come up with another IPO if we developed quickly. So that is the case.”

Buis does not venture to predict how things will turn out this time for exactly the same loan. ”But the experts at NPEX are very positive.”

The company saw sales increase by more than ten percent last year, and profitability also rose. The workforce grew by ten people and now sits at ninety.

”We want to use the money from the loan for the further development of diagnostic blood measurement and analysis equipment,” Buis explains. ”The demand for that continues to rise. We recently attended leading congresses for hematologists. There the ‘Lorrca’, which was specially developed by us to measure blood from patients with the deadly sickle cell disease, was frequently mentioned as an example. We want to take a specially adapted Lorrca into the poorly accessible parts of Africa where Sickle Cell Disease claims many victims.””