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Laboratory Medicine enables and support accurate diagnoses and detection of diseases. Selecting the appropriate ESR analyzer will smoothen your workflow, improve efficiency in your lab and render you additional time for other more important things.

Correct results, the cornerstone of lab diagnostics
Correct and reliable lab results must be the cornerstone of every lab. They are the indispensable input for patients to receive the correct diagnosis from their doctors. We believe gold standards are the precise language for medical specialists to advance their correct diagnosis and treatment. That’s why we dedicate our efforts to follow existing and to develop new gold standards.
However, we understand the desire to constantly challenge cheaper and faster solutions; we do. But ultimately, we believe that the correct and reliable result is the most efficient product for your lab, preventing unnecessary false positives and false negatives resulting in high sensitivity and specificity. The correct result is what your patients, your doctors, your staff, and you yourself expect.
Learn more about Gold standard Westergren automated ESR
Efficiency hand in hand with accuracy
To ensure the best possible efficiency in your laboratory and following the ICSH 2017 guidelines, the golden standard for ESR testing is Westergren. Our Starrsed ESR analyzers meet the stringent requirements as specified by ICSH and this is where we excel in delivering the gold standard analyzer.
• Golden standard clinical values
• Simplified workflow by instrument design
• Instrument models to fit your size and type of laboratory
• Professional services worldwide through our RRM certified partners
Suitable for all laboratory sizes
Our instruments are available for small and medium sized laboratories and also for high throughput labs with a complete TLA solution such as our Starrsed Interrliner in combination with the Sysmex XN-9100 or the Starrsed TL in combination with a TLA solution from Abbott, Siemens or Inpeco.