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External Quality Assessment Service is RR Mechatronics’ comprehensive tool to periodically assess the performance of the Starrsed analyzer at your lab; also in relation to other Starrsed instruments in other labs.

Starrsed External Quality Assessment Service (EQAS)
Starrsed Control assesses the correct functioning of your Starrsed instrument in an as easy as possible way. Starrsed Control obtains the test results of your instrument and objectively and anonymously compares it through our EQAS software with a worldwide peer group using the same type of analyzer.
For more information about our Starrsed instruments
EQAS for easy assessment
EQAS gives you more confidence in reporting correct patient results because it verifies your test data on a regular basis. The service works remotely and is strictly confidential, using test results only in relation to the average results of the peer group from over 30 countries.
Functional benefits
- All lot/batch numbers are supported.
- Personal login with different user profiles.
- Easy-to-read reports.
Global distribution and service
RR Mechatronics is active in over 40 countries worldwide. Our certified partners are trained and equipped to help you choose the right instruments and to perform on-site services, whether it is planned maintenance or emergency service.