Installation & maintenance

To operate your Starrsed optimally, correct installation and regular maintenance are crucial. Please contact your local partner for more information.

Starrsed installation

When your new Starrsed instrument is delivered to your laboratory by one of our distribution partners, you can trust us to deliver your new instrument within the agreed project timelines. When your instrument is delivered, it is time for installation, in which of course we support you. 

For more information about our Starrsed instruments

Starrsed validation

We believe that the validation in your laboratory of your ESR instruments should be carried out using the guidelines of the ICSH for ESR validation. The principal validation is against the manual Westergren method.

Starrsed maintenance

Instrument maintenance, service and responsiveness are extremely important. With our partners, we have established service and maintenance programs for your instrument. Service engineers are trained and certified in the RR Mechatronics training academy. Contact your distribution partner to discuss your specific needs. Our instruments are designed for maximum uptime and our service engineers are duly trained to maximize this. 

Explore more related to Starrsed




Global distribution and service

RR Mechatronics is active in over 40 countries worldwide. Our certified partners are trained and equipped to help you choose the right instruments and to perform on-site services, whether it is planned maintenance or emergency service.