Starrsed Interrliner

The Interrliner is integrated in the Sysmex XN/XR- automation track. Integration of the Interrliner will enable a ideal workflow for ESR test in your laboratory.  

The Interrliner

The racks with EDTA tubes will be directly transported from the Sysmex XN/XR-line towards the Interrliner. Manual placement of sample tube racks is also possible. The direct rack transport reduces the hands-on time for EST testing to zero.

Good to know

  • Direct integrated and physical connection with Sysmex XN/XR-line
  • Handling is fully automated, no operator involved
  • Front return line (FRL) to transport the racks back to the start of the XN/XR-line
  • ESR according to the reference Westergren method (gold standard).
  • Standalone possibility
  • Intuitive control panel
  • Automated mixing and dilution of the EDTA blood samples according to Westergren
  • Availability of Starrsed Control (Normal & Abnormal) 
  • The Westergren glass pipettes are automatically cleaned and re-used after each measurement, no disposable plastics off any kind

Our Starrsed instruments are IVDR registered as automated analyzers for the quantitative in vitro determination of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) of human blood samples in conformity with the Westergren standard.

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The Starrsed instrument family

Our Starrsed instrument family is unique in many ways. Laboratories can benefit from, fully automated ESR measurements in the most modern new range of instruments complying to the gold standard Westergren. The new family of Starrsed instruments offers unequalled ESR measurement with the user in mind. Ease of operation and minimal user maintenance, no more than some inspection and occasional replenishment of reagents. Occasional, since the new Starrsed family operates using a reagent concentrate. Now the gold standard Westergren has come within reach for every lab and every patient. 


For connection on Sysmex XN/XR line.

The Interrliner instrument is designed for integration with the Sysmex XN/XR series. This makes the continuous production of ESR results very easy.

Starrsed RS

Automatic ESR instrument for medium & large laboratories

The Starrsed RS (rack serie)  is designed for medium sized laboratories and allows this laboratories to perform the ESR test according tot the Westergren (gold standard) method.

Starrsed NSTA

Automatic ESR instrument for smaller and midsized laboratories

The Starrsed NSTA is designed for smaller to midsized laboratories and offers all the benefits of an automated Westergren instrument.


Starrsed TL

Integration potential with TLA systems

The Starrsed TL (Track Line) is designed to be integrated in ah Total Laboratory Automation solution.  (TLA) like Inpeco FlexLab, Abbott Accelerator, Siemens Aptio, GLP (Abbott) and more. It provides a Westergren ESR measurement in combination with TLA solutions.

Global distribution and service

RR Mechatronics is active in over 40 countries worldwide. Our certified partners are trained and equipped to help you choose the right instruments and to perform on-site services, whether it is planned maintenance or emergency service.