Find out about our products below


The Lorrca is a unique platform instrument for a whole range of different Red Blood Cell analysis. It is currently a Research Use Only instrument (RUO). The Lorrca is used to study hereditary and acquired anemia.


Starrsed instruments are measuring the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate according to the Westergren method, the Westergren method is the gold standard as determined by the ICSH. Using Starrsed instruments means measuring ESR without compromise.

Supplies Corrmi

Corrmi supplies are being distributed by exclusive and certified partners of RR Mechatronics.


Reagents, Controls and Spare Parts for the instruments of Starrsed, Lorrca, and Corrmi. Using RRM-backed supplies guarantees uptime, quality and efficiency of your instruments.

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Global distribution and service

We believe in sharing our knowledge and collaboration to accelerate the development of diagnostics. Through our Academy, we support and work together with our ecosystem of universities, clinical researchers, companies and patient organizations.